Transfer pricing studies

The main objective of our examination will be aimed at the preparation of transfer pricing studies in accordance with international standards, in accordance with local legislation and transfer pricing guidelines, recommended by the organization for economic cooperation and development – OECD.
For this purpose and based on the financial statements and complementary information provided by the client, we prepare transfer pricing studies that will serve as a basis to support and / or support the transfer prices of our clients, before the Internal Revenue Service (SII).
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Legal and judicial advice in administrative and judicial litigation for Transfer Pricing
Advise the Client in all contentious administrative matters with the Internal Revenue Service (SII), as well as in subsequent instances before the courts of justice.
Advice on taxation processes of the Internal Revenue Service (SII) for Transfer Pricing
The objective of our advice will be to review compliance with all the requirements required by the Internal Revenue Service – SII in terms of Transfer Pricing. (Notifications, sworn statements and delivery of information related to the Client’s Transfer Prices).
Assist companies in any visit or relevant procedure that is required to be performed before the Internal Revenue Service (SII).
Permanent advice on relevant matters of Transfer Pricing
The objective of our permanent advice on Transfer Pricing will be to deliver, respond to and respond to any information or request requested by our Clients that are related to any effect in the matter of Transfer Pricing, either in the review of their transactions with Related or related entities, review and / or drafting of contracts and supporting documentation for these transactions.
Risk Analysis or Transfer Pricing Diagnostics
The objective of this consultancy is to identify and analyze the current risks that a company could face, carrying out transactions with related or related entities from abroad, in order to recommend policies, measures and solution procedures to mitigate the risks before an eventual inspection by part of the Internal Revenue Service (SII), in order to adequately support intercompany transactions.
Capacitaciones de Precios de Transferencia
Nuestro objetivo es poder contextualizar a las empresas de la importancia que tiene para su empresa el tema de Precios de Transferencia, para ello se preparan capacitaciones enfocadas a personal mayormente relacionado con este tema (el número depende de las necesidades de la empresa).
En la capacitación se explica la problemática de este tema, las etapas que componen un Estudio de Precios de Transferencia y se desarrollan casos prácticos enfocados específicamente a la industria a la que pertenece la compañía con transacciones con entidades relacionadas en el exterior.