Tax Advice
Salcedo & Cía. We solve tax complianceregarding taxes:
to income, to value added (VAT),of stamp and stamps,
territorial tax and others. As well asalso in terms of
inheritances taxes and donations.
Tax Advice
Salcedo & Cía. We solve tax complianceregarding taxes: to income, to value added (VAT),of stamp and stamps, territorial tax
and others. As well asalso in terms of inheritances taxes and donations.
Legal Advice
Our firm carries out legal structuring in matters ofmergers,
divisions, corporate transformations and acquisitionsof
companies and the creation of new companies, advisingto
its clients in tax legal matters.
Legal Advice
Our firm carries out legal structuring in matters ofmergers, divisions, corporate transformations and acquisitionsof companies and the creation of new companies, advisingto its clients in tax legal matters.
Transfer Pricing
The main objective of our examination will be directedto
the preparation of Transfer Pricing Studiesaccording to
international standards, according to thelocal legislation
and the Transfer Pricing Guidelines.
Transfer Pricing
The main objective of our examination will be directedto the preparation of Transfer Pricing Studiesaccording to international standards, according to thelocal legislation and the Transfer Pricing Guidelines.
Tax Defense
We represent our clients through an administrative
defensebeforethe Internal Revenue Service (SII)
and sponsorshiplegal, in those trials followed before the
courtstributaries and the Superior Courts of Justice.
Tax Defense
We represent our clients through an administrative defensebeforethe Internal Revenue Service (SII) and sponsorshiplegal, in those trials followed before the courtstributaries and the Superior Courts of Justice.
Preventive Diagnoses
Preventive Diagnosis of Eventual Contingencies
Taxes Tax preventive diagnosis for clients(new or old).
Preventive Diagnoses
Preventive Diagnosis of Eventual Contingencies Taxes Tax preventive diagnosis for clients(new or old).
Family Business Planning
We plan the succession and / or generational transfer
tofamily businesses and people with high assets.
Family Business Planning
We plan the succession and / or generational transfer to family businesses and people with high assets.
Training in legal and tax matters we providetraining
courses in tax and legal matters.
Training in legal and tax matters we providetraining courses in tax and legal matters.
Accounting Consulting
Salcedo & Cía. represents foreign companies thatwant to
invest in Chile, being an efficient and effectivesupport
in the legal, corporate, accounting and tax,safeguarding
the interests of the investor.
Accounting Consulting
Salcedo & Cía. represents foreign companies thatwant to invest in Chile, being an efficient and effectivesupport in the legal, corporate, accounting and tax,safeguarding the interests of the investor.
Legal Representations
We provide this solution in conjunction with the
accounting services to be able to have the appropriate
control over the company’s finances.
Legal Representations
We provide this solution in conjunction with the accounting services to be able to have the appropriate control over the company’s finances.