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The company provides permanent advice, ensuring a harmonious legal-tax, accounting, patrimonial and financial structure of your company. Respecting the regulations both nationally and internationally, above the standards and guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).


We are strategic support before regulatory changes to guarantee your company strict tax compliance and adequate legal behavior of the entire organization (taxpayer), which aims to provide the client with prevention and tranquility, mitigating to a large extent the tax, financial and patrimonial


Claudio Salcedo Gabrielli

Lawyer, Managing Director.

Claudio specializes in the area of ​​tax law, both nationally and internationally, in matters such as tax planning, corporate restructuring, litigation in tax matters, taxation of the productive, financial and capital market sectors.

Before forming his own firm he worked as tax manager of KPMG (2006 – 2007); as a senior lawyer at the law firm Morales & Besa (2004 – 2006); and as tax legal advisor and supervising official of the Selective and International Inspection Department of the Subdirectorate of Control of the 511 (1998 – 2004).

He has an experience of more than 20 years in the legal tax area. In addition to his experience as an official of the SII, he has worked as a tax advisor in a large number of transactions, financing, M & A operations, carried out by national and international companies.

  • Lawyer, licentiate in legal sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • MBA, Master Business Administration, Loyola in Maryland-UAH.
  • Master in Tax Law at the University of Chile.
Proyectos y empresas que ha asesorado

Adquisición de activos ECONOMAX por parte de CENCOSUD; Asociación entre MERRYL LYNCH con CELFIN; Proyecto GNL; Venta de Filial Colombiana de ENAP; Credit Suisse; Metrogas; Morgan Stanley; Autopista Central; Impregilo; Banchile; Camanchaca; Madeco; Cognis; Fundación DUOC; MERCK, SKM; Edelpa; Gasco; Ferrovial; Forum; Grupo Carso; Gtech Co.; Odebrecht; Quiñenco; Tanner Corredora Bolsa; PPG; Mutual de Seguridad CChC; South Cone fondo de inversión; Pacific Hydro; NESSTs fundation; IB Partners; IAI Israel; Grupo Manquehue; Georgia Pacific; fondo Progesta; Fondo Explorador; Edinet Europa; Delta Leasing; Constallation brands; BNP Paribas; Airbus; Melón-La Farge

Otros antecedentes

Figura como profesor titular de las siguientes cátedras universitarias:
“Empresas Relacionadas y Precios de Transferencia”(Magíster Tributación Económía U. de Chile; “Impuesto de Timbres y Estampillas” y “Transfer Pricing”(Diplomado Tributación Inter U. Alberto Hurtado).

Seminario relativo al Impuesto de Timbres y Estampillas” (Magister de Planificación USACH).

También se ha desempeñado como monitor de capacitación del SII impartiendo cursos orientados a la formación de los fiscalizadores sobre el “Impuesto Adicional de la Ley de la Renta y el Impuesto de Timbres y Estampillas”.
Como docente internacional del BID en el seminario internacional de capacitación sobre “Operaciones Internacionales y transfer Pricing” para funcionarios SUNAT, en Lima Perú.


Es autor del libro “Los Precios de Transferencia entre Empresas Relacionadas”, Editorial LexisNexis (2005), 157 páginas.

Publicó un artículo para la 1era Edición de la Revista del Instituto Latinoamericano de Derecho Tributario “Transfer Pricing: Revisión Experiencia Chilena”.

Salcedo & Cía
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